Manick Rajendran

Manick Rajendran

Founder & CEO

"Manick Rajendran is a HealthTech Entrepreneur from Chennai. Having graduated as an Engineer from College of Engineering, Guindy and an MBA from IIM Bangalore in 1986, he has lived in the USA for several decades. Serving on Wall Street as a VP at Deutsche Bank, he angel-invested in an EHR Software company and thus began his transition to Health Street.  In the twenty years he has been in Healthcare, he has functioned in various roles as Consultant, CEO of hospitals, Member of Policy Groups, Standards Professional and most notably as Co-Chairman of the Admin and Finance Domain Committee of the Healthcare IT Standards Panel (HITSP) under American National Standards Institute (ANSI). He was later tapped to be the Co-Chairman of the Interoperability Tiger Team that presented policy document and roadmap of the Meaningful Use of IT in Healthcare and which was subsequently adopted by the Obama Administration. He co-created and managed the prestigious Interoperability Showcase at the HIMSS Conferences for several years thereby being a major influence among the Healthcare Product (Information Technology and Devices) vendor community. He also has served as a turnaround specialist by pulling in several US Healthcare billing companies to offshore business processes to his back office Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) unit in India. Returning to India almost a decade ago, he served as the Director of the Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, taking care of the entire strategy, operations and management of the Group. He continues to serve the Healthcare industry actively through his advocacy for Interoperability and TeleHealth through his Cardiology Advisory, Mental Wellness and Virtual Tumour Board offerings to the patient community using networks of Specialists. Serving on various committees, he has been instrumental in creating a healthcare interoperability ecosystem in India. As Chairman of a subcommittee at Bureau of Indian Standards, he has led the Indian delegation to ISO meetings at international conventions to represent AYUSH Informatics. With the current pandemic, he has been providing Remote Person Monitoring to various agencies and hospitals. His focus continues to be on the improvement of people, quality and customer service. He is a Lean Six Sigma Green belt in Healthcare."